Direct debits are the easiest way to pay off your credit card or your loan, but if your income is reduced, getting control over your money is important. You can choose whether to temporarily suspend or completely cancel your direct debits.
How do I cancel or suspend a Direct Debit?
To cancel or suspend your direct debit, complete the online Direct Debit Cancellation/Suspension form.
If you choose to temporarily suspend your direct debit, you can reinstate it at a later date by contacting us and without having to complete a new Direct Debit Request form.
If you choose to completely delete your direct debits, you will need to complete a new Direct Debit Request form if you wish to reinstate your direct debits.
Cancel or Suspend Your Direct Debit Now
Please note:
- You will receive a SMS confirmation once your request has been completed. Please continue to make payments until you receive the SMS confirmation.
- If you select to suspend your direct debit, we retain your bank details on the account in case you wish to reinstate it, which can be removed if requested.
- Cancelling or suspending your direct debit does not cancel your contract with us. If you still have a valid contract with us, you’ll need to make alternate payment arrangements.