Your credit limit is based on the information provided to us when you opened your account. If you don't know what your credit limit is, you can find it on the top right of your monthly statement, in the Latitude App or on our Online Service Centre.
Increasing your credit limit
If you wish to make a purchase but aren’t sure if you have enough room on your card, jump on to the Latitude Service Centre to check your available credit. If you want to apply for a limit increase our Customer Solutions team on 0800 500 505 and if approved, your increase will take effect immediately.
We are able to review your account for a credit limit increase every 6 months.
Decreasing your credit limit
If your personal circumstances have changed, and you wish to decrease your credit limit, then you can do this in the Latitude App or through the online service centre.
Before you do though, there are a couple of things you need to know:
- If you want to increase your limit down the track, you may not be able to. You will need to go through an assessment and may need to supply documentation to evidence your income.
- We can’t reduce your credit limit lower than the balance on the account.
Latitude App
Go to the Manage Account section and select Reduce Credit Limit, then it’s as easy as filling out the required fields and letting us know what you want the new limit to be.
When complete, you will see your new limit updated on the app.
Latitude Service Centre
Go to Manage Account, click on the account and Decrease Credit Limit , then it’s as easy as filling out the required fields and letting us know what you want the new limit to be.
If you would like to increase your credit limit, select the Increase credit limit option and fill in the required fields.
If the above options aren’t working for you contact our Customer Solutions team.