If you have or recently had consumer credit insurance on your account, depending on your policy you may be able to claim if the insured is unable to work due to sickness, injury, or job loss. Even if your policy was recently cancelled or expired, the insured may still be eligible for help under that policy if the illness, injury, or involuntary unemployment occurred prior to the policy cancellation or expiration. It’s a good idea to speak with the Hallmark Insurance team to see if you’re able to make a claim.
We’ve outlined below where you can find details of any insurances you may have with us, based on which Gem products you have.
Insurance on a Gem credit card
You’ll see the details of your policy on your statement if you have insurance on your credit card.
Insurance on a Gem personal loan
If you took insurance prior to April 2020, you can check your loan contract for details on the cover(s) you may have. If you purchased insurance after this time, it won’t show on your loan contract – you would have been separately emailed a link to your policy documents, and premiums would be debited monthly from a nominated credit or debit card.
You can still apply for Hardship Care while you make your insurance claim if you wish:
- Contact Hallmark Insurance on 0800 220 999 or
- Email: customerservice@hallmarkinsurance.com.au or
- Check the website: www.hallmarkinsurance.co.nz
In the meantime, we can still process your Hardship Care application.
Do you have other insurance that may be able to help?
If you have insurance elsewhere (for example, as part of your superannuation), you may want to speak with your insurer to see if they’re able to provide any support to you at this time under your policy. If you have a Kiwisaver, you may want to enquire about possible support options there too.
Want to know more? Click here to view our other articles about Hardship Care.
Need more advice?
If you’re worried about your finances, you can get free and confidential advice from an independent service such as MoneyTalks. They offer over-the-phone budgeting support, or they can put you in touch with a local Financial Mentor for face-to-face help.